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Élő Nyelvek Európai Központja

European Centre for Modern Languages


language teaching


Társadalomtudományok>Neveléstudomány>Intézmények, szervezetek>Szakmai szervezetek

2.1, 5.5

Az Európa Tanács által létrehozott szervezet célja, hogy segítse és hatékonyabbá tegye a nyelvtanítást és a nyelvtanulást. Nemzetközi projektjeiben a tagországok nyelvtanítással és nyelvpolitikával foglalkozó kutatói és tanárai dolgoznak ki újabb és újabb módszereket, eljárásokat.

Understanding one another is a prerequisite for living together harmoniously. So to achieve the dream of a continent without dividing lines, Europe needs citizens who can all communicate in some of the many languages spoken within its borders. To assist in this challenge, the Council of Europe has created the European Centre for Modern Languages - a unique institution whose mission is to encourage excellence and innovation in language teaching and to help Europeans learn languages more efficiently. The ECML's Strategic Objectives are to help its member states implement effective language teaching policies by focusing on the practice of the learning and teaching of languages, promoting dialogue and exchange among those active in the field,training multipliers and supporting programme-related networks and research projects. In order to implement its strategic objectives, the European Centre for Modern Languages, organises a programme of international projects on language education. Basing its work on the underlying values of the Council of Europe and its pioneering work in language education, the ECML is ideally equipped to act as a catalyst for reform in the teaching and learning of languages.



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