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Országos Felvételi Iroda honlapja

Admission to Higher Education National Institute

Országos Felvételi Iroda

felvételi rendszer, felsőoktatás, felvételi előkészítés, felvételi vizsga, felsőoktatási intézmények, feladatgyűjtemény, Országos Felvételi Iroda

entrance exam, higher education, educational institution, tests, Admission to Higher Education National Institute



5.2., 7., 9.1.

Az Országos Felvételi Iroda honlapján információkat találhatunk a felvételi eljárásról. Kereshetünk a felsőoktatási intézmények adatbázisában intézményre és szakra és korábbi felvételi vizsgafeladatok is megtekinthetők. A honlapon keresztül módot kapunk online ügyintézésre is.

The Ministry of Education has founded the Admission to Higher Education National Institute (Országos Felsőoktatási Felvételi Iroda - OFI) in 1985 for the creation, proper functioning and development of the higher education admission system. Through our institute the Ministry of Education is providing the interested with wide-scale information, also dealing with the functioning of a uniform admission system, guaranteeing an equality of chances, considering all applications of all candidates. According to the current legislation, besides the institutions of higher education there are only two organisations in Hungary dealing with university admission. The Ministry of Education and the Admission to Higher Education National Institute are authorised by the law of higher education and by the decree concerning the general rules for the procedures of admission to higher education. The institutions of higher education have the task of organising and executing entrance examinations. As a state organisation of public utility, the Admission to Higher Education National Institute (OFI) offers professional, informational and communicational aid to them in accordance with the current legislation. On the webpage you can search for a city, an institution, an academic major or the language of education. You can find the earlier examination tasks and the keys and there's an opportunity to do administration work online.



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