A Dán Oktatási Minisztérium felépítéséről, működéséről, a dán oktatási rendszerről, célkitűzéseiről és reformjairól, valamint a külföldiek dániai tanulási lehetőségeiről is olvashatunk többek közt a Dán Oktatási Minisztérium honlapján. Az angol és dán nyelven is olvasható honlapról elérhető az Eurybase, azaz az Európai Oktatási Rendszerek adatbázisa is. További hasznos és érdekes információt ad az ország egészéről a Dán Enciklopédiára utaló link, melynek internetes verzióját 2003-ban készítették el a nyomtatott kötetek alapján.
The Danish Ministry of Education is made up of: a Department for General Policy and Law and three national authorities: the National Education Authority, the National Authority for Institutional Affairs and the State Education Grant and Loan Scheme Authority. Education plays a central role in the Danish society. And here on the threshold of the millennium this is more important than ever, for the labour market is demanding more and more from the workforce in respect of qualifications; and in society as such knowledge and information are the keys to understanding and success in an ever more complex and changeable world. The Danish government has therefore made it its target to ensure that all young people complete a youth education programme, that as many as possible - and at least 90-95% - of an age group complete a qualifying education programme, that recurrent education becomes a natural part of people's lives and their participation in social life, and that the education system is flexible and develops steadily in step with society so that it can continue to ensure the vocational and personal qualifications which are needed in a modern high-technological society based on democratic principles. On this homepage you can read specified information about the work of the Ministry and the danish system of education additionally you can reach Eurybase, the information database on education systems in Europe from here.