Olvasás Portál

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Adatbázis kereső

Az ablak bezárása


Hungarian Schoolnet Programme

Oktatási Minisztérium

közoktatás, iskolai nevelés, iskolai élet, pedagógus munkája, tanulás, számítógép

public education, school life, teaching, learning, computer application, Hungary




A Sulinet program az Oktatási Minisztérium projektje, amelynek célja, hogy fórumot teremtsen a közoktatásban érintettek számára az internetes kommunikációra. A portál külön oktatási, diák és tanár szekcióban gyűjti össze a legaktuálisabb információforrásokat és hirdetményeket. Ezen kívül fórumot ad a levelezésre, hozzáférést különféle adatbázisokhoz, digitális tananyagokhoz.

The national ICT programme of Hungary, called Sulinet programme has a two sided task. On one hand it is to manifest and to modernise the already existing and continuously developing system and on the other hand it is to develop the contents of the Sulinet web site. Goals of the website' enhancement are development of content services, the teachers' upgrading courses and the duplex data circulation and generally the development of the information system of public education. The task was to combine the culture of the interactive network systems and the traditional form of education, the aiding of teaching and learning and the creation of a forum of communication and fun. Teachers, students and parents can get access to an enormous amount of information (regarding surveys several terabytes.) This information fulfils all demands of the material of teaching and learning or any other fields of cultural interest. The participants of the public education system, schools, and those who maintain them, ministries, parents, local authorities, institutions of higher education and pedagogical institutes can get access to up-to-date information, essential data for their everyday work and lives. Due to all this Sulinet is a promising opportunity of a cyber communication space that is able to support the constantly changing decentralised education system in Hungary. Teachers and students of the participating (more then 2000) institutions can all have their own e-mail accounts that will enable them to send letters, texts or pictures to one another. They can also join mailing lists, select from various news letters or create Web sites to introduce their school or themselves. The realisation of these plans would activate a new way of virtual communication and activities that would mean new opportunities for the Hungarian education

Educatio Társadalmi Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.


eng, hun

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