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Az iskolai könyvtár és információs központ változó szerepe a digitális Európában

Doktori értekezés

he evolving role of the school library and information centre in education in digital Europe : PhD thesis

Helen Boelens

iskolai könyvtár, szociológia, információs és kommunikációs technológiák

school library, sociology, information and communication technology


Általános művek>Könyvtárak, könyvtártan
Társadalomtudományok>Neveléstudomány>Intézmények, szervezetek>Iskolai könyvtárak

0.2., 3.7.

A kutatás célja, hogy az iskolai könyvtárak és információs központok megváltozott és változásban levő szerepét kutassa Európa országaiban, beleértve azokat a vidékeket is, ahol az információs technológiák még nem értek el magas fejlettségi szintet. A doktori értekezés a Middlesex University-n készült.

"The purpose of the research is to study the evolving role of the school library and information centre (SLIC) in primary and secondary education in digital Europe, not only in countries where schools have reached an advanced stage of usage of digital technology in education, but also in less advanced schools. This international research provides a bridge between two different disciplines – Comparative Education (Sociology) and Library and Information Science (LIS) – and attempts to provide information to both the educational and library communities throughout Europe regarding the role which SLICs play in the emerging educational global landscape and to determine whether or not these traditional, digital or virtual SLICs, and the work of the school librarian and information specialist, influence the quality of education and improve children’s learning outcomes at different levels. First of all, the study examines a sub-matrix known as the KILM (Kalsbeek Information Literacy Matrix), which was developed as part of an educational matrix between 1997 and 2008 at the Kalsbeek College in Woerden, the Netherlands. The educational matrix attempts to introduce and implement educational reforms, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage, educational technology and new forms of learning throughout the school in a orderly fashion while maintaining a high level of educational quality. This sub-matrix (KILM) identifies the role of the SLIC during the application of the educational matrix. The study then looks at success criteria which became apparent during the application of the sub-matrix and asks whether or not it would be possible to apply similar strategies to other schools libraries and information centres, firstly at Dutch national level and then in school libraries throughout Europe. The staffing, facilities and conditions in school libraries and information centres which were studied vary greatly, however, thanks to the willingness of teachers, school librarians and (school) library associations to share information and data, it has become possible to identify common problems and present some solutions."

Middlesex University



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